Foot tray for jeans

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but as it’s a little lengthy to put in my probably already lengthy posts about any given pair of jeans, I thought I’d let it be it’s own little thing.  When you’re making jeans, there’s a lot in play.  You have lots of different feet you need for different purposes plus at least 2 different kinds of thread and possibly 2 different kinds of needles if you use a denim double needle.

Here’s what I use:

  1. all-purpose foot–for non-topstitched seams
  2. applique foot–for topstitching the fly and for bartacking.  I prefer it over the ap foot because it is clear, so you can really see where you’re going
  3. ditch quilting foot or blind hem foot–both of these feet have a guide that follows along a seam and allows you to stitch right at the edge of a seam (one sews closer than the other, but they do the same thing).  Either foot lets you do the first pass of topstitching on a seam
  4. 1/4″ foot–this foot also has a guide like the ditch quilting or blind hem foot, but it stitches a little farther from the edge of the seam where the guide is riding.  This helps you make your second pass for topstitching seams.
  5. zipper foot–for installing your fly
  6. buttonholer–to make a buttonhole for your tack button
  7. topstitching thread–heavier than regular thread and probably a constrasting color
  8. normal thread–for seams

After this pair, I’ve figured out how to simply keep things organized so it’s readily accessible.  I don’t doubt that this pair was my fastest constructed jeans to date partly because of this.

My solution to keep everything in one spot so that it’s ready to go when I need it is to take all of the feet needed out of the foot box and store everything on the lid to my foot box.  It’s simple, and I was surprised how much time it saved me.

How do you keep yourself organized for big projects?

P.S.:  You can vote for my shibori zippered jeans here.

And lastly, some quick MMM shots.

Day 17: Vogue 1027 in mocha jersey.  I’ve lost a lot of weight since I first made this, but I still love how instantly polished I feel in it, despite it being a color that I wouldn’t normally choose on any planet.  It goes with every accessory I own and it has such a pretty silhouette.  I could even run after the kids at the park in it without worrying about a floor show.

Day 18:  Boden Twist top knockoff, Ottobre 5-2007-9 in bleach dyed twill.

3 thoughts on “Foot tray for jeans

  1. I use two sewing machines. I keep one threaded with topstitch thread and the other with regular thread. I, too, keep all the feet nearby.

  2. I really like that brown dress on you. If you’re feeling a bit over the colour you could dip dye the top half (or even top 2/3rd) in a darker colour but one that suits you more for an ombre effect..

  3. That’s an awesome idea to stay organized! I’m nearly finished with a pair of jeans myself, and I think switching feet is taking longer than actually sewing.

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