I am not a robot

Dear Blogger,**

While I appreciate that you’re trying to protect bloggers from unnecessary spam comments (and believe me, I appreciate that–those things are vile–and thank you WordPress for just chucking those automatically out of sight), this 2 word verification is really really annoying.  Last week I was locked out of commenting on Mikhaela’s insightful post about cheap fabric no less than 10 times.  I do not have time to do this.  I have 2 kids.  I’d much rather be playing with said kids, cooking, sewing, or reading about both.  I assure you I’m not some robot that you’re convinced I am.  Your blurry “words” are just impossible to read and waste everyone’s time.



**I kid you not, WordPress thinks I’m a robot too because it’s auto-saved this post 15 times in my post archive.

Julie apparently understands that I am not made of tin, because tin people can’t be versatile bloggers can they?

My rather fleshly self graciously accepts this award (thank you Julie!), and I’ll list 7 random things quite humanoid per the conditions of this award and pass on the bloggy love.

  1. Joanne Weir is my cooking hero.  Love her.
  2. A day without a proper pot of tea is sad indeed.
  3. Ruth Reichl‘s prose is like a warm blanket.  I want to eat at her house.
  4. If left to my own devices, I would probably have a completely aqua house.
  5. I make my own birthday cake every year because it’s fun.
  6. I’m a 5th generation strudel maker in this country and there were others before that.  I’m plum proud of my apple strudel (apple proud?).  Why have pie when you can have strudel?
  7. Saturday is pancake day in our house.  My husband’s family makes waffles on Saturdays.  My Mom bought me a waffle iron when we got married, but it died, and teflon creeps me out.  Read Pancakes for Breakfast.  It’s funny and makes the pancakes taste better.
– Add the award to your blog.
– Thank the blogger who gave it to you.
–  Mention 7 random things about yourself.
–  List the rules.
–  Give the award to 15 bloggers.
–  Inform each of those bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog.

3 thoughts on “I am not a robot

  1. Thank you Elizabeth! I am so sorry about the robot thing… I’m terrified of turning off the verification (and actually don’t even know if I can) because I’ve been spammed to death before on another blog.

  2. I know RIGHT!!! I can’t STAND the double word thingie!! And I might have to question you on the robot thing…the way you put out FABULOUS adult clothes time and time again….ROBOT!!! teehee!! Thanks girl, I promise to post soon…in the middle of a MAJOR room change…again!! xo

  3. Ugh the blogger commenting system. Ok the problem is not just with recaptcha – its actually OpenID. It doesn’t allow logins for non-google profiles (doesn’t matter how many times you recognise the jumbled words correctly). The only way to fix it is for the blogger account owner to install disqus (or something similar). Basically disqus has akismet (same as wordpress) and prevents spam, it allows all users (across all blogging platforms) to keep track of their own comments and responses others have left to them and it means not having to sign in, not playing the hideous recaptcha game of incipient blindness and not having your comments ‘accidentally’ end in the spam jar. I’ve meen mentioning this on every blogspot blog I come across but a lot of people can’t be bothered installing disqus (which is a two step process). I guess I just won’t be commenting on those blogs… Annoying but it is what it is.

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